Friday, March 14, 2008

Almost 36 Weeks

I went to a weekly Dr. Appt yesterday and I am still 90% effaced and now I am 3 cm dilated. Dr. Riseling also felt my belly to try to estimate little Abigail's weight and she said she is a good size baby and estimates 6-6.5lbs right now! I told her it must have been all the oreos I ate on bedrest. I also showed her my legs/feet that have started to swell, but she said its only mild/moderate and since my blood pressure is fine its perfectly normal. Dr. Riseling would like me to make it another week and since my contractions have been very mild this is possible, however she said she would be surprised if I lasted another 2 weeks (although it's possible, but unlikely).

1 comment:

Tina said...

Sounds good...
Ella was born at 36 1/2 little Abigail will be fine if she comes anytime now! Can't wait to see her!