Horray!!! Abigail Christine Childers was born 12:49pm on April 8, 2008. She weighed 6 lbs and 10 ounces, 20 inches long. We checking in the hospital at 6am that morning for a scheduled induction and around 9am my water was broke and I was about 4.5 cm dilated. I was having moderate contractions so I opted for stadol in my IV before getting the epidural....big mistake! All the stadol did was make me extremely tired, then the major contractions hit, one after another, so I told them I need the epidural now, however I was so tense that epidural was not taking completely, then I was dilating so fast so they call the anesthesiologist back for a top off of the epidural, that finally worked and then it was time to push, but I couldn't feel anything. In between pushing I closed my eyes b/c I was still so tired from the stadol. I made a lot of progress in the beginning but then it stopped and little Abigail's heartrate was not tolerating the contractions as well as we would have liked so we took a break and waited for the Dr. to come over. When she arrived she said she would use the vacuum for 10 minutes, however if that did not work it was time for a C section. However, the vacuum worked and little Abigail finally made her appearance. She is just perfect, I think she looks like me but has big feet like her daddy and she has tons of hair!
Ever since I arrived at the hospital my blood pressure was high, and they thought it would go down after delivery, however it did not so after the delivery I had to stay in Labor and Delivery another 12 hours for a Magnesium Wash to try to get my blood pressure to drop. This medicine made me feel horrible and out of it for the next 24 hours, but my blood pressure did drop some. I have to go back to the dr. this Thursday to have my blood pressure checked again. Other than being extremely tired the Childers family is doing well and very excited about the new addition to our family.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Last Appt
This past Thursday was my last Dr. Appt, hooray! I am 4cm dilated, 90% effaced, -2 station and absolutely NO contractions. So our induction is still scheduled for this Tuesday April 8, and it looks like Abigail isn't coming out on her own.
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