Friday, February 29, 2008

Another Week Behind Us

I saw my regular Dr today and she did another fFN test today (should get results tomorrow) and if this is negative she will consider removing me from bedrest the week of March 10th, I will be 35 weeks that week and she feels more comfortable. However, she manually checked my cervix and I am 90% effaced and 1cm dilated. So she definitely wants me to remain on bedrest at least 1 week, 2 at the most. She said at 36 weeks (week of March 17) she has no problem with me resuming regular activity (including working), but she thinks once I'm 36 weeks labor will not be far behind, more than likely I will not make it to the original April 13th due date. Everything else looks good, I'm measuring on target and Abigail's heartrate was good.

FYI: Just found out the fFN test was Negative, woohoo!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Released from High Risk Dr.!

I had a good report on Friday at the high risk doctor, I have been released from their office and only have to see my regular doctor going forward. They didn't measure my cervix or do the fFN test, because they no longer do this once your 33 weeks. The dr still wants me to remain on bedrest....yuck, and I am still being monitored (at home) twice a day for contractions. The contractions aren't bad yet, most of time I don't even notice them, the doctor has assured me I will definitely feel them once labor truly, joy. So we have another week behind us, hooray! Our next major milestone is next Sat when I am 34 weeks. Little Abigail's lungs should be more mature by then so if she comes early she will have minimal time in the NICU.

A big thank you to mom, Julie, and Aunt Carolyn for coming over this weekend to clean and wash Abigail's clothes. She has tons of clothes and mostly pink, so hopefully she likes this color, ha ha. Yesterday Chris put together her swing and we put a baby doll in it to test it out; I didn't realize the swing would move that fast on the high setting, little Abigail will probably enjoy the slower settings.

Furbaby Annabelle had to go to the vet this weekend, she had an upset stomach (vomiting and diarrhea), however she has been on meds for 2 days now and feels much better. A big thank you to cousin Jen for taking care of her at the vet even though it's obvious Annabelle did not appreciate her.

Our next Dr. Appt is this Thursday, hopefully Dr. Riseling has an easy time finding her hearbeat, little Abigail has been such a wiggle worm lately and is all over the place.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Friday - High Risk Dr.

I went to the high risk dr this morning (Dr. BK) and the ultrasound went well, they decided not to check the length of my cervix since they did that last Friday and I also had a negative fFN test last Friday. Little Abigail is head down (her head is way down, which causes my bladder to spasm, yuck), and the tech said she has lots of hair! She weighs approx. 3lbs 14oz, which is average and all her other organs look good. She didn't want to move that much during the ultrasound so they also hooked me up to the contraction/heartrate monitor, so they could monitor her activity over a 30 minute period. She decided to wake up and was moving around like crazy while the monitor was on my belly, she tried to move the monitor several times and Chris said it looked like I have a alien moving in my belly! I was also having contractions, which I didn't realize without looking at the monitor, it only feels like slight cramping and very manageable. Matria (the company that gives me a contraction machine to monitor the contractions at home) is coming out this afternoon to hook up the machine and show me how to use it, this way we can see how many contractions I have and the strength of them. The nurse said if my contractions continue on this path they will probably increase the procardia (meds that help relax my uterus) and the contractions will probably decrease. I go back next Friday for another checkup.

Friday, February 8, 2008


Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. I went to the specialist last Friday 2/1 and my cervix had not changed, however I went back to the specialist today and my cervix changed to 1.5 before pressure and 1.2 after pressure. The ultrasound tech applies pressure to my belly which is suppose to simulate what happens to my cervix during a contraction. The good news is I'm still not funneling/dialating and my fFN test today was also negative. The bad news is Dr. BK said no more work total bedrest. So I asked him to explain exactly what I can do, basically I don't have to lay in the bed, I can sit on the couch, just limt my standing to only going to the restroom and taking a shower. This is very disappointing news since I was working on a very important implemenation project at work and now someone else has to pick up where I left off. I am 31 weeks tomorrow and our next major goal is 34 weeks, Dr. BK explained they become less worried after the 34th week.

Little Abigail is still doing fabulous the ultrasound tech said she has a small waist but long legs and fingers (this comes from Christopher's side, everyone knows how short my family is). Her estimated weight is 3lbs 8ounces and she is expected to gain 4-6 ounces each week going forward. Christopher and my dad are going to the babystore tomorrow to pick up the baby furniture and we can begin putting her room together. I go back to my regular dr on Thursday and the specialist on Friday, so i will check in after those appts.