Friday, February 29, 2008

Another Week Behind Us

I saw my regular Dr today and she did another fFN test today (should get results tomorrow) and if this is negative she will consider removing me from bedrest the week of March 10th, I will be 35 weeks that week and she feels more comfortable. However, she manually checked my cervix and I am 90% effaced and 1cm dilated. So she definitely wants me to remain on bedrest at least 1 week, 2 at the most. She said at 36 weeks (week of March 17) she has no problem with me resuming regular activity (including working), but she thinks once I'm 36 weeks labor will not be far behind, more than likely I will not make it to the original April 13th due date. Everything else looks good, I'm measuring on target and Abigail's heartrate was good.

FYI: Just found out the fFN test was Negative, woohoo!

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