Thursday, September 13, 2007

2nd Dr. Appt

Chris and I went to our 2nd Dr Appt today. The Dr. did a full exam, took a gallon of blood, and we got to hear the baby's heartbeat again. The Dr. used an external doppler and it took awhile to locate the little bean, but finally she did! The heartbeat was 165bpm, which is considered normal. Dr. said everything looks good and wants me to come back in 4 weeks for an ultrasound, so we get to see the little bean soon! Still having nausea but Zofran is a miracle drug and makes me feel a lot better. Hopefully the nausea will end in another couple of weeks. I haven't gained any weight, but I haven't lost any either. I'm surprised I didn't gain 10lbs since i have been living off of pop tarts and baked potatoes, carbs make my stomach feel better.

I want to let everyone know what a wonderful husband I have, he is very involved with our first pregnancy and enjoys learning about the growing baby and going to our appts. Since I've been so sick he brings me breakfast in bed every morning and doesn't complain when I get crumbs on his side of the bed. He is a very special man and I love him!