Thursday, March 6, 2008


I had a FABULOUS Dr. Appt today. Dr. Riseling said that things look good and since my contractions are infrequent with minor discomfort I can go back to work this Monday 3/10!!!!!! I'm so excited.
Since nothing has really changed from last Thursday she decided to wait to check my cervix until next Thursday. I will also be checked for Group B Strep Infection at the next appt. This is a common infection in pregnant women so they check for this at week 36 and if it's a positive result they give me antibiotics during delivery so its not passed to the baby. At this point we just wait for REAL contractions to start then we go to the hospital to have a baby. Hooray!

1 comment:

Tina said...

Yay for you and baby!!! :)
(funny for you to be so excited about going back to work!)

Glad you're feeling well!