Saturday, March 29, 2008

38 Weeks

Well we have reached 38 weeks and still no baby, and we were so worried we wouldn't reach 34 weeks. I think little Abigail enjoys being in my belly and doesn't want to come out. I went to the dr. on Thursday and I'm 3.5 cm dilated with a paperthin cervix and her head has moved even lower. We went ahead and scheduled an induction for 4/8 so we will definitely have a little baby by then. My feet are still swelling, the right foot more than the left, it looks like an elephant foot and I can only fit into 1 pair of shoes.

A big thank you to Momma Jo and Pop for taking me to lunch today and helping me organize Abigail's room, I think everything is ready, if she would just get here.

1 comment:

Tina said...

Bless your heart! I remember those days...where you need to throw out the shoes and just wear the box they came in. A guy I worked with said I had Barney Rubble I could drive a car with those things!!

Hope little Miss makes her debut soon!!