Friday, February 15, 2008

Friday - High Risk Dr.

I went to the high risk dr this morning (Dr. BK) and the ultrasound went well, they decided not to check the length of my cervix since they did that last Friday and I also had a negative fFN test last Friday. Little Abigail is head down (her head is way down, which causes my bladder to spasm, yuck), and the tech said she has lots of hair! She weighs approx. 3lbs 14oz, which is average and all her other organs look good. She didn't want to move that much during the ultrasound so they also hooked me up to the contraction/heartrate monitor, so they could monitor her activity over a 30 minute period. She decided to wake up and was moving around like crazy while the monitor was on my belly, she tried to move the monitor several times and Chris said it looked like I have a alien moving in my belly! I was also having contractions, which I didn't realize without looking at the monitor, it only feels like slight cramping and very manageable. Matria (the company that gives me a contraction machine to monitor the contractions at home) is coming out this afternoon to hook up the machine and show me how to use it, this way we can see how many contractions I have and the strength of them. The nurse said if my contractions continue on this path they will probably increase the procardia (meds that help relax my uterus) and the contractions will probably decrease. I go back next Friday for another checkup.

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