Ok, so it has taken me awhile to adjust to motherhood, therefore I have had a hard time finding time to do anything....like post on my blog. Abby(chunky monkey) is growing like a weed and gaining weight every day. Since she turned 2 weeks old we have been dealing with acid reflux issues; although I think we finally have this under control with her current meds. However, the past 4 days she has started having other issues; such as, drooling, chewing on her hand, and not wanting to take the bottle. Although it is early I believe she is teething. She screamed for 45 minutes Thursday night and would not take her 10pm bottle, Chris had to run to the store to purchase orajel and she fell asleep.
We are still working to improve her sleep schedule, on a good night she will sleep for one 4 hour period, then awake to eat and sleep another 3 hours. I tried keeping her up longer during the day but that did not work, she was just cranky and had a harder time going to sleep at night. I am hoping this improves other the next month before I return to work. I go back to work on August 1(Yuck!). Abby will be at the Lambs and Ivy daycare, its the only daycare I visited and I didn't cry, so hopefully she will like it too.
Abby now weights almost 13lbs and around 23 inches long. She is getting so big, she has doubled her birth weight already and the dr says she could weigh 20lbs by 6 months. Apparently breastfeed babies tend to put on more weight in the beginning. Her eyes are still blue and the Dr says she thinks they will probably stay blue although we won't know for sure until the 4 month. This month she has started to "talk". Her favorite words are "Hummmmm" and "Oooooo" and she loves when her daddy repeats these words to her. Her head control has improved significantly and she loves to lay on her diaper changing table without her diaper and kick her legs. She is so funny she will talk to you and kick her legs at the same time.
A big thank you to Momma Jo/Pop(aka my parents) and Bubie(aka Chris mom). They have been keeping Abby on the weekends so Chris and I can get some sleep, this has allowed me to keep my sanity! I didn't realize how good I feel mentally and physically once I have sleep.
This Sunday Abby and I leave on a week long trip to Knoxville to visit Amanda and her baby (1 week older than Abby), Isabel. We are very excited, and Abby loves to have a playmate, although neither baby does much, we like to lay them on the bed next to each other and they talk and kick their legs. Isabel and Abby both like the stroller so I imagine we will be going on lots of walks. Chris says he will really miss Abby but will enjoy a quiet house and lots of sleep.
Thanks to Billy and Erin for having us over last night to their new house for dinner. They have a beautiful home in Collierville (where Chris and I grew up) and 2 beautiful children. We spent most the night talking about our kids and I made mental notes of things they did to improve their kids sleeping habits. Abby was really good last night, she hardly cried at all and slept most of the time. I am thinking she is having a growth spurt because she slept a lot yesterday.
Well I better do laundry and clean the house before the monkey gets home. I will try my very best to update my blog once a week.