Saturday, December 22, 2007

Mexico Trip

We had a fabulous time on our Mexico Vacation, but Chris and I are happy to be back home in our own bed and with our little babies. Annabelle and Amelia sleep in the bed with us last night and I think they missed us so much, but a big THANK YOU to cousin T for watching them! I'll post more about the trip later but here is a picture of me. I go back to the doctor on Jan 3.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Our Baby

I have attached pictures from our ultrasound 2 weeks ago. This is our little girl, Abigail. I had another dr. appt today and the dr is concerned b/c my cervix has shorten since the previous ultrasound, she said this could be nothing or could mean in the future preterm labor, yuck! I see her again in another 4 weeks and we will do an ultrasound to see how things are then. I had a significant increase in weight, so I have decided I no longer want to post how much weight I gain each visit :-) Dr. said I'm all clear to go to Mexico next weekend, just take things easy and pass on any hiking trips, ha ha, after I stopped laughing I explained to her my family was not the hiking type, so no worries on this!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


It's a girl!!!! Dr. confirmed today, she said she is 200% positive we are having a little girl. Chris and I are very excited. All her measurements look good and she has all her fingers/toes. We are measuring right on target and she weighs about 11 ounces. We haven't thought about any names yet, but now we know to shop for pink stuff.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Another Dr. Appt

We had another Dr. appt yesterday. After waiting in the waiting room for an 1 1/2 hours I finally saw the Dr. for about 7 minutes. Everything is good, the results from my 1st blood tests look good and I had more blood work taken for the 2nd blood tests. The heartbeat was good between 145-150 beats. I got my flu shot since my work considered me a "liability" and refused to give it to me and I've gained another 2lbs. The Dr. also explained the cramping/aching I've been feeling is round ligament pain. Below is information I found on the website regarding round ligament pain. I go back for a checkup in another 4 weeks, however I was able to schedule the "Big Ultrasound" in 2 weeks on 11/21, so hopefully we will confirm our baby's gender before Thanksgiving.

What causes round ligament pain?
The round ligament supports the uterus and stretches during pregnancy. It connects the front portion of the uterus to the groin. These ligaments contract and relax like muscles, but much more slowly. Any movement (including going from a sitting position to standing position quickly, laughing, or coughing) that stretches these ligaments, by making the ligaments contract quickly, can cause a woman to experience pain. Round ligament pain should only last for a few seconds.

Monday, October 29, 2007

2nd Ultrasound

This is a pic of our little alien baby.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Sorry for the Delay!

Sorry, I have not posted before now. We had another Dr. visit a little over a week ago. The Dr. did an ultrasound for genetic testing for chromosome abnormalities. Everything looked good on the ultrasound we are just awaiting results from the blood work. I gained a 2lbs this last visit. We have another visit in about 3 weeks. Then have our big ultrasound (hopefully to determine the baby's gender) in about 4 weeks. PS Please forgive the lack of makeup in the picture.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

2nd Dr. Appt

Chris and I went to our 2nd Dr Appt today. The Dr. did a full exam, took a gallon of blood, and we got to hear the baby's heartbeat again. The Dr. used an external doppler and it took awhile to locate the little bean, but finally she did! The heartbeat was 165bpm, which is considered normal. Dr. said everything looks good and wants me to come back in 4 weeks for an ultrasound, so we get to see the little bean soon! Still having nausea but Zofran is a miracle drug and makes me feel a lot better. Hopefully the nausea will end in another couple of weeks. I haven't gained any weight, but I haven't lost any either. I'm surprised I didn't gain 10lbs since i have been living off of pop tarts and baked potatoes, carbs make my stomach feel better.

I want to let everyone know what a wonderful husband I have, he is very involved with our first pregnancy and enjoys learning about the growing baby and going to our appts. Since I've been so sick he brings me breakfast in bed every morning and doesn't complain when I get crumbs on his side of the bed. He is a very special man and I love him!

Friday, August 24, 2007

First Dr. Appt

Chris and I went to our First Dr appt yesterday, but apparently this appt was only to confirm that I am pregnant and I had to schedule another appt in 3 weeks for a full exam. However, after talking to the Dr. about my severe nausea, various spotting and cramping she decided to do an ultrasound to check on the little peanut. The ultrasound tech said everything looked great! Looked like a little blob to Chris and I vs. a little baby. However, she was able to zoom in and see the heartbeat and we were able to hear the heartbeat. The heartbeat was 124 bpm, she said anything over 120 is good. And apparently being able to see and hear the heartbeat reduces the risk of miscarriage significantly and the Dr. felt more comfortable with us sharing the pregnancy news with our family and friends. Our next appt is Sept 13.

PS I had a dream last night that Chris and I are having a little boy, so thats is my guess....for now.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

It's Positive!!!!

My period was suppose to begin yesterday, so I thought what the heck might as well take a test just to see. I felt very strongly that the test would be negative since the test I took earlier in the week was, I was shocked to see that SECOND LINE! However the line did not look as dark as I would have liked so I decided to run out and purchase a digital test and within 1 minute it said "Pregnant". I'm still shocked since this was our very first month to try for a baby. So here we are at the very beginning of our journey. Chris and I have decided to not tell our family and friends until we have our first Dr. appt.